The Magic Of Making Up Reviews
How to get your ex back is a very common request of most people who desire to win back a lost love. In this article, I want to share with you a magic of making up technique to help you quickly get your ex back and stop all the pains in your heart and your negative thoughts of attempting to commit suicide without the one you love.
To quickly help you with how to get your ex back, I will let you know of this powerful spell which you will carry out during the waxing phase of the moon.
What will you need to perform this spell to help you with the request; how to get your ex back?
You will require the following…
• 1 red ribbon
• 1 white candle
• 1 sterile needle
• 1 small piece of clean white paper (no lines)
• 1 red pen or marker
• 1 small piece of red cloth
• Any item given to you by your ex willingly
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Get a lighter or match and light the candle. With the help of the candle, focus on your ex. Picture your ex face in your mind. Once you have the image of your ex firmly in your mind, use the red pen or marker to write your name and your ex’s name on the piece of clean white paper. Use the needle to prick your index finger. Dab one drop of blood over the names.
Draw a circle around the names and fold the paper in
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