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half. Place the paper in the cloth. Take the item your ex gave to you (a ring or picture works best, but it can be anything that was given to you freely by your ex) and place it in the cloth as well. Fold the cloth up so it forms a little bag. Use the ribbon to tie the bag closed. Bury the bag in fresh earth (make sure you remember where you left it). Take a few moments to envision your ex as you cover the bag with earth, repeating this phrase:

“Be it our destiny, be it our fate, hurry my lover to me, do not wait.”

If it is meant to be, your ex will feel a strong desire to be where you and the bag are. Once your ex come to you, dig up the bag and burn the contents. If the item your ex gave you that you buried is so precious or something you can not burn, take it and put it in a bowl and cover it with salt for 3 days. This way you will neutralize the spell energies and cleanse the item.

So, find out if the moon is in the waxing phase and begin to take steps on how to get your ex back by using the above technique. This magic spell will force your ex to obey your wishes and return quickly back to you.

A Magic Love Recipe

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