The Magic Potion That Awakens the Sleeping Lover
A sleeping Lover lays at the core of many timeless legends. A kiss, or magic potion is needed to awaken her. To grasp the eternal truths displayed so beautifully in these old texts, you need only to see it is not a story. It is instruction to you. It is your guide, your encouragement, your path to be a Hero.
Strip away the allusions to sensuality in these old stories. They are the stories of the culmination of the Hero Quest. So, listen carefully and hear your quest, your future revealed herein.
Awaken The Lover
Who awakens the soul of the Lover? Who has the magic potion to open her eyes wide and seek her consuming embrace? What first put the Lover to sleep? Where was the magic potion hidden? Who chose this Hero to apply it?
This is the secret world of the undisclosed Lover. This is the place the Lover has chosen to launch her crusade to catch eternal love from the clutches of the ordinary world. She has chosen to sleep in this world for there is none within it to entice her to stay. But with her sleep she knows her sleeping pheromones will arouse only those most worthy of its essence, most able to arouse her and consummate the reason for her long sleep.
The Hero she seeks must prepare himself for her awakening long before the opportunity to win her wafts into the air. It is not his fortune that she seeks. It is not his beauty – for her Hero, her champion, will always be beautiful to her, no matter his visage. It is not his courage to best all in his quest to find her that underlies her dormant love.
No, it is only that her Hero sees in her beautiful sleep what no others can see. It is your ability to follow the lead of her loving fragrance, and count all the challenges to kiss her as mere distractions and delays until you can lay your lips upon hers and pull her to full awareness. It is this enduring quality that she seeks, because she intends to love you long, and love you well, and nothing short of this will enable you to stay the course and give her all she desires. For want of this, she chooses to sleep, resting her energies for the passionate embrace she intends to fill her lifetime. Is there any other reason to stay awake?
Once awake, she will be demanding. She will want all of your body. Nothing less. She will want every part of your soul. She will consume your body and soul, then she will ask for more. More still. More again. And if you, the Hero, the enduring champion cannot quench her hunger, and that thrice daily, she will find another. Or sleep once again.
Pursuing the Scent of the Sleeping Lover
So, the Hero who seeks to awaken the soul of the Lover must be well prepared. You must prepare your body for the rigors of prolonged loving. You must prepare your soul to reveal all, to give all, to allow it to be encircled. To be consumed again and again. This is the champion’s quest, to prepare for a life of giving. To clear your mind of every obstacle, to rid your life of every hindrance, to tirelessly, single-mindedly pursue the scent of the sleeping Lover until you are lip-to-lip.
Then the quest changes, for the energy expended thereafter is to keep lips locked together, never allowing a sliver of light to come between them. This is the new, and greater quest. For, winning the heart of a sleeping Lover is one thing. Keeping the heart of an awakened Lover quite another. And if you are not prepared for this new consuming task before you begin, you will have scant time for reflection to do it once you have slipped endlessly into her soul. The Hero must prepare diligently. Or extinguish all hope of merging with the awakened, fully aware Lover.
This champion, this Hero, this version of you, must slay many dragons in your quest. You must confront formidable enemies. Climb perilous peaks. Cross frothing oceans. Must drive your sword deep into the heart of ferocious, incredible beasts. And brave the dangers all alone. You must do these because there is no other way. It is your quest, not another’s. And if you are not prepared to do these things, do them mightily, and succeed, then you cannot have this Lover. She will slip onto the lips of another. You will be led to exclaim, “I did not love her well. I did not love her enough.” And you will cry until your soul is empty.
The Quest for Fulfillment
The quest of each individual, in this modern age, is arise out of the ashes of ancient myth, to slough off today’s culture of “trying”; to turn sharply away from the lies of an under-achieving culture; to find the rough, perilous way to your soul. For it is the satisfaction of your soul that you are missing. No amount of “trying to make it happen” is going to get you there. Only finding the heroic core buried in your soul, your reason for existence, your drive to be a true Hero, can set you on the path to fulfillment… your soul desperately seeks you to touch this sleeping Lover.
You must be one with your quest, your ardent dream. There can be no separation between it and you; none whatsoever between life and Hero Quest. The perilous journey IS life. It is the arduous journey, the heroic tasks you must conquer to have it. Or you will not have life at all.
Are you ready to awaken the soul of the sleeping lover?
Next Week: The True Identity of the Lasting Hero
If you would like to pre-register for a copy of Boyd’s upcoming book, “The Hero Quest”, send us an email here.
© 2007 Boyd L. Jentzsch
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