Budai three hundred times thinking of something good, then your thought will definitely come true.
The image of Hotei is associated with a specific person that lived in China at the end of the 10th century – a little round monk named Qi-Qi, who went from village to village with a large canvas bag and beads. Legend has it that wherever he appeared – good luck and health came to the people. If someone asked, what is in the bag, he replied: “The whole world is in there.”
Since ancient times, Budai is a god of home in China. His presence in the house brings prosperity, understanding, contentment and carefree life for everyone in the family. It is no coincidence that Hotei is considered to be the embodiment of happiness.
The Ru Yi scepter (whether together with a laughing Hotei or separately) is a wonderful gift. It is a universal symbol, so you can purchase it for yourself or as a gift for someone. It is usually given to a person that you want happiness for.
Jakob Jelling runs http://www.fengshuicrazy.com which teaches the ancient art of feng shui. Please visit his website to learn more about ru yi.
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