to make phone calls from your computer without any additional charges. You pay about for the first year of service and the magicJack device, each additional year costs about . So, all in all it is a reasonable offer. However, you can not use the phone that is connected to the magikJack unless the computer is on and connected to the internet. In order for you to be able to make a phone call using the magikJack the computer can not be in suspend, sleep or hibernation mode. It has to be active. This is another problem for many consumers because they do not want to have their computer on at all times, nor are they able to keep the computer awake, so to speak.
As with any purchase that is made, the results of the purchase will always vary even a little bit. The same holds true with the magikJack. As long as your expectations for the magikJack are within reason, you will likely enjoy the service that it provides its subscribers. With the easy installation even the novice computer person can install the magicJack and enjoy unlimited local and long distance calls from their computer.
MajikJack reviews at Majikjack blog.
Jeff Johnson is afreelenace writer for ReachTape3
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