Learn all about the archangel card of theAngel Tarot Deck in this free tarot card reading and deck history video clip. Expert: Marybeth Murphy Bio: Marybeth has been intuitively reading people ever since she was very young. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
A very unusual Tarot Deck drawn by Edward Gorey. Music by Nyman, ‘Delft Waltz’. THE HISTORY The Awful Vista of the Year. Now that you have learned of all the dreadful things that have overtaken your friends and relations during the past year as scribbled on the inside of their Chirstmas card, don’t you want to know what dreadful things lie in wait for you? To this end Madame Groeda Weyrd (a nom de gare; her true one is known to few this side of the grave) has consented to have the fantod deck printed here. Madame Weyrd, who is of mixed Finnish and Egyptian extraction has devoted her life to divination, and is the author of, among a shelf of other works, Floating Tambourines, a collection of esoteric verse, and The Future Speaks Through Entrails. Her Career as one of the most celebrated trace mediums came to a close when she lost two and a third fingers as a result of a contretemps during a ectoplasmic manifestation. She had long since been persona non grata to many of the rich and famous because of her fearless predictions of disaster. She know makes her home on Staten Island (the one that’s part of Tierra del Fuego) and is writing what is hoped may be the definitive treatise on the Mystic Bean. Of the Fantod Pack itself, Madame Weyrd will only say that its origin may not be divulged, but it is of incredible antiquity. Interpretation of the card must always depend on the character and circumstances of the person consulting the deck. What might portend a wipe out for a …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Bookstore usually have them.
Hey I am from Australia too, you can by them from normal book stores, and also new age shops
I really want some tarot cards so badly i live in australia but I dont know where to buy some..
It is interesting but funny.
A fine video.
Non c’è che l’imbarazzo della scelta… nel caso prenderei The Insects… ma temo proprio che non si possa scegliere…
Grazie infinite per questo video ^_^
PS, you choose the most wonderful music to accompany your videos!
Truly bizzare. I love Edward Gorey!
Thanks so much for the dedication
Grazie mille!
It takes a lot of guts to own & use this set, that is for sure.
Dedicated to AdamLore