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Lady Gaga ft Beyonce – Telephone Video – Hidden Messages – Occult Symbolism (audio removed due to copyright. I do not own these images – they are owned by UMG.) There is alot of symbolism in her videos – many think it’s about mind control – not necessarily to control your mind, but to reveal to viewers the nature of mind control. I beg to differ, I think it’s more about the suppression of the sacred feminine. If you disagree with me, that is okay. I simply encourage you to open your mind and do your own research. Wiki has alot of information that is pretty accurate on the pagan Goddess religions, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Mind Control and the like. Specifically research the symbols that come up alot in most videos these days such as , the eye of Horus, the A OK sign, the Baphomet, the pyramid. You will find that they all stem to the same tie periods and culture – ie the period of the pagans and the Goddess beliefs that many of them held. Either way – whatever you believe, it sure makes for interesting watching.
i dont understand this ,this is stupid
@sexciibytch17 When the video starts. The first second it says: Lady Gaga Video Phone Hidden Messages.
@Sisiorange ummm heyy dick head…. where du u see hiim mentio videophone?
Republicans and their fear-mongering strike YouTube?
LOSER!!! This isn’t even Video Phone xD
Hail Gaga!
The tattoo isn’t a mere “drone”, my friends. The tattoo on the androgynous person’s arm is Beelzebuth (Beelzebul, Beelzebub), a prince of hell. Don’t believe me? Google image search “Beelzebub Dictionarre Infernal”. The sketch is by Colin de Plancy, a French occultist from the early 1880s. Indeed, the tattoo isn’t just “inspired” by the image; notice the skull and crossbones in the wings on both. Also, it’s said the demon’s favorite color is chartreuse — yellow plays a role in this vid.
Goddess awakened! lol How egotistical!
@leepdaguy yuP…which is also the hand sign the “bloods” use, which is y i think so many new artists are popping up in the industry out of nowhere and are claiming to be “blood” affiliated…perfect scheme
The time you put into this is remarkable and I appreciate your effort
But to be completely honest, I think you’re looking into the video way to much. Yes I agree that Gaga is heavily influenced by God and Satan but stripping her video into some Satanic conspiracy was a bit too much.
Liked the video but I don’t 100% agree with the ‘hidden idea’ concept
Alot of artist are now opening up to the fact that they are part of the illuminati. It’s in their songs and in their high tech futuristic weird videos. Also now have videos where they have representing evil and good. .. They all are wearing black as welll and making weird signs with their hands.. They are so intent to keep their viewers watching them.
Alot of artist are now opening up to the fact that they are part of the illuminati. It’s in their songs and in their high tech futuristic weird videos. Also now have videos where they have representing evil and good. .. They all are wearing black as welll and making weird signs with their hands.. They are so intent to keep their viewers watching them.
2:57 I don’t understand the Star Wars Reference… Anybody a Star Wars Fan?
3:10 It says 6 is a sacred number in Buddhism & Hinduism, does that mean they are occults?
@HOMEOFNONA oh i love this
How beautiful is the background song? Does anyone know the artist?
Plus, i don’t think Lady Gaga knew all of the Freemason, historic stuff. Most celebs don’t. #lol
I like your symbolism intake. Can you view mine? Mine is slightly different. Also, what software did you use?
as someone has mentioned before on another video, at 3:07 what appears to be a light reflection on the eye is actually the arabic symbol for “Allah”.
Wrong. When you mention duality, the girl wearing white in that shot is jessica drake a porn star, just like Alektra Blue when you mention evil. They both have contracts with Wicked Pictures, so in that case there’s no duality, they’re both porn stars so they’re both “evil” according to you, even if they’re wearing different colors. Honestly, I don’t think gaga has the time to include so many symbols consciously, but I do appreciate your effort. It must have taken quite some time, congrats
Ugh. This is why people really need to learn how to analyze symbolism in the context if its used. I could write an essay about how High School fucking Musical is a gay metaphor if I over analyzed enough. Never during that video is it ever suggested that the director intends for you to interpret it in that way. Even when films have “hidden” symbolism they give you some context to work with (see Raise the Red Lantern). Your just grasping at straws.
glad someone took the time to analyze this video, good job. You made sense out of it. Thanks you.
you forgot about thd lady gaga in-ear headphones that one of the inmates was using when lady gaga enters outside with the chains.
So…by listening to these’s “Satan worshipers'” music, and liking the artists, or “following” them, we are supposed to become his followers as well? Because I love Lady Gaga and her music, but I’m a strong Christian and I know I’m not the only one. What’s would be the whole point? If all this stuff is true, it’s obviously not doing a damn thing.
thats exactly my point
YHVH created both genders
this is a really cool way of looking at the video! Totally bogus, but interesting!