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Diamonds represent the life force energy of the sun, the highest expression of light and consciousness in our solar system and therefore the gateway to higher perceptions of reality, other realms and dimensions. Diamond is accorded the place of honor as the most special and precious gemstone.  As it is the hardest stone, it supports us by helping us to achieve structure, self-discipline, and endurance in our lives so that we may extend the boundaries of our capacities.

The Yellow Diamond is one of the true astrological birthstones for Virgo. It has the highest light reflection of all yellow gemstones. It is a unique and highly coveted stone. The most famous Yellow Diamond is the Florentine Diamond, a huge, 126-facet stone weighing 137.27 carats. Found in India, it first appears in legends in 1467 worn by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. Since then it has belonged to the Medici family and a variety of European royalty. It disappeared from the possession of the Austrian imperial family during their World War I exile to Switzerland.

The Yellow Diamond represents the sun and pure life energy and joy, meaning also love. Its golden light radiates into our body and soul, reminding us of the truth of who we are: eternal beings of light and spirit.

The Yellow Diamond stimulates and enhances our creativity and self-expression. It represents an artist of life who is able to celebrate and respond to life and its challenges. The wearer of the Yellow Diamond can stay very focused, determined, and patient as projects unfold.

This Diamond imparts the ability to keep the bigger picture in mind without getting lost in details, making us very successful in all our endeavors. We

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