The Metaphysical View of Death and Life After Death Part 4
Astral Body – Ka (double)
Lower Mental – Ba (heart-soul)
Causal Body – Sahu (spiritual body)
Higher Mental – Ren (name)
Buddhi – Khu/Ab (spiritual soul)
Atma – Sekhem (power)
Monad – Khabs
In average cases, the bodies directly involved in the death process and in the afterdeath state are of the first five-the physical body, etheric, astral, lower mental, and causal. In certain conditions it may involve the first two or three.
Each body or principle has energy-centers fully developed and functioning, or in the process of unfoldment. These energy-centers are called chakras in Hindu occultism and there are seven of major importance. In the physical body the endocrine glands and the plexi correspond to these chakras. The following are the Hindu terms for these chakras as well as their correspondence to the glands and their location:
Muladhara – gonads – base of spine
Svadishtana – spleen/pancreas – naval
Manipura – adrenals – solar plexus
Anahata – thymus – heart
Vishuddha – thyroid – throat
Ajna – pituitary – center of eyebrows
Sahasrara – pineal – crown
Every vehicle of consciousness possesses chakras, some of which are not functioning to its full potential or fully-developed as yet in the average human being. Chakras are channels and transformers of energy. They receive the influx of energies originating from higher spheres and distribute those energies to a lower principle. The frequencies or qualities of these chakras are
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