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The Missing Link

The Missing Link

(Is there, or is there not, an entity referred to as God? 

At their foundation, there is no difference between one who believes in a living God, an agnostic who denies the possibility of a God by not being able to prove it, and an atheist who refutes God exists, as he/she cannot witness such a being. All three positions rely upon belief, so at their foundation they are identical. However, what is held within each foundation varies drastically and that variance governs how each lives their life

Those that hold, maintain, or believe that God is very real have a moral code determined or decided upon by an authority who represents that belief. They rely upon the moral code to form their ethical positions in daily life. They have something to stand-upon, providing sure footing within the slippery domains of relationships and commerce. The moral positions and ethical stances create a directional focus, allowing one to move through life upon a solid base, and normally within a group of like-minded individuals. If the belief is never questioned, one’s internal life is relatively secure, even if there are raging storms without. 

An agnostic is a fence sitter, as he/she is not a believer, but equally not a true disbeliever. That particular foundation can establish a pattern of being perpetually indecisive. The neither here nor there pattern can have a disruptive affect upon one’s life, as it can make any form of commitment difficult, if not trying, leaving one in a perpetual limbo of insecurity or unsettledness. An agnostic may be a fence sitter, but an atheist is a true disbeliever: a polar opposite to a believer. An atheist tends to

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