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The Music-Art-Drama In Your Birth Name; An Esoteric Sacred Sexual Sensual Secret

MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Exploring The Undisclosed Talent Locked In The Sound of One’s Birth NAME

YOU {Fill In The Blank}are the walking sacred sexual musical personification of the cosmic divine artistic expression in life. Without your conscious sensual vibratory participation and passionate involvement, colors fade, music disintegrates, and motion blurs. (In other words, your current world falls apart.) You call and form into existence the imbued world of exaltation in which you inhabit. Life becomes as significant as the potent words you speak in creation of it, by something as simple and magnamiously powerful as the sound of your birth name. No other creature of such sublime beauty, grace, virtue, honor, goodness, truth and harmonic redemption vies for your place in ‘Divinity’s Showcase’. You were created to openly express that which lies concealed. “…let your works so shine before men that you might glorify your father in heaven…” {Textual} Your first breath was/is/remains sexual in nature. Divine Sexual Energy is a cosmic vibrational sound. Various letters in words comprise one of the specifics in this mysterious sound.

You were born with a particular combination of letters which make up the unique sound of your birth name. This differeniated combination of sound in your entire birth name was specifically selected for you as the singular pin-pointed pregnated representation of classified Sacred Sexual Dramatic Creativity. In other words, the sound of your birth name carries with it a secret vibrational resonance. Your first name carries enormous manifesting power. Your second name represents ART in its truest, rarest form, and last, {the name on your birth certificate}, but not least: incomparable music!

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