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Nothing short of musical artistic dramatic expression can veer near to the ultimate gratification obtained by and through sacred sexual sensual execution. You were given the name which employs the culmination of your particular flavor (talent) of sacred art’s expression. What will you do with it? When will you act on your magnificent reverent heritage?

Bored beyond belief, you realize you are hopelessly obsessed by her intoxicating pleasure filled fragrance, driven into realms of unimaginable ecstasy, shattered into filaments of inexpressible delight while never being able to embrace, much less tame, the torridly wild sacred fire she ignites in you. Say it! Sing it! Dance it! ~ Experience the imaginable joy expressed in the sound of your name spoken aloud. Get in front of a mirror and speak the essence of who you are by rolling the sound of your entire name in seductively broken syllables slowly off your tongue into the ethers. There is a definite rhythm and decreed meter to its influence. Do not hold back nor be embarrassed by the mere thought of how you discern this act of magick to be mere nonsense. Does life’s uninvited incalculable inevitable death sentence seem like less nonsense? Life is one celestial magick construct not to be scoffed at but enraptured!

Now is the time to move into the spiritual realms of unutterable ecstasy in sacred sexual sensual artistic pleasure filled expression. Do what it is you long to do. Say what it is you long to say. Create what it is you long to create. No one other than you can do what you are assigned to do. You are more than capable, willing and able to manifest what you so eclectically desire. What are you waiting for? [Permission. Validation. Approval. Acknowledgement} “To Whom Much is

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