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seemingly opposite forces within you can come together and work as a whole. This card represents a time when you can make yourself healthier and stronger for the struggles that will inevitably lie ahead.

The Devil, like Death, is not a tarot card that people like to see laid down in front of them. But the Devil does not represent some outside force of evil that is going to control things and make them go badly. It is the symbol of the negative aspects that exist within us all- aspects we often try to hide and deny. Pretending they are not there only gives them the room to fester and become more of a problem. You must accept that they are there without relinquishing control to them. Face these demons with strength and clarity and push them towards the lighter side, where they can be transformed into positive attributes.

The Tower card holds within it both creative and destructive energies. The Tower itself is built by giving too much weight to material things, which serve as a poor foundation for growth. This failure to tend to the matters of the mind and spirit will leave you unprepared for when the Tower eventually crashes down- and it will, either due to your actions or by crumbling under its own weight. But there is a benefit of the collapse, since it clears the foundation again for a new building project to begin. You still have the positive aspects on hand as building materials but the negatives are cleared with the rubble.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best marketplace for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for negative tarot cards, art, and Tantra.

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