The New Age PDA Devices
The Personal Digital Assistants better known as the PDA’s are new age electronic devices that store all your personal information and data and process it whenever you need it.
These devices are not only about storing and retrieving data but they come with a variety of options for added functionality and convenience.
These devices are equipped to give you more functionality than processing data and these new functionalities include handwriting recognition, networking, wireless communications, MP3 players, phone etc.
This device can be classified by considering its functionality and the operating system or OS it uses. More features like the Memory and processing speed also help us to determine different types of PDA’s.
But in general you will find the PDA’s classified as hand-held PDA’s and palm-sized PDA’s. The only major differences between these two being size, display and mode of data entry.
The hand-held PDA’s, if compared to the palm-sized PDA’s, tend to be larger and heavier.They have larger liquid crystal displays (LCD) and use a miniature keyboard, usually in combination with touch-screen technology, for data entry.
Whereas, the palm-sized PDA’s are smaller and lighter. They have smaller LCDs and rely on stylus/touch-screen technology and handwriting recognition programs for data entry.
When you stat looking for a PDA device what you need is device with the most compatible operating system. The Windows Pocket PC OS is the most popular as it is compatible with most of the Desktops. The size does matter.
The small sized PDA device is easier to carry and use. While considering a PDA note
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