The ‘new Dark Ages’
The ‘New Dark Ages’ is a blatant attempt to implicate its followers down the deadly wrong path to un-enlightenment and everlasting perdition. I am quite sure that many adults are completely unaware of all this. Because what I write of is just so ‘unbelievable’ and/or so totally strange and foreign to most adults, many will think I am exaggerating things to make a more exciting and readable article. Unfortunately, I am not, but I truly wish I were. I call to mind, and would put ‘The New Dark Ages’ into the very same unbelievable and ridiculous category of the last fad our kids were drawn to, called ‘The Choking Game’. After all who would be so dopey as to choke another until they passed out, because of robbing their brain of critical oxygen, just so they would experience a brief, zero cost and drug free ‘high’ upon returning from being passed out-if they returned? However, police departments across the nation have reported far too many participants of this deadly ‘game’. Therefore, as a suggestion please remember that I encourage you to stop reading this article at any time and call the non-emergency line of your local police department to have them validate and confirm all I am revealing to you today. Until parents and other adults in authority understand this ‘new-dark ages’ many teens will be in grave danger and involved in activities that no one of any intellect would recommend.
Fortunately for most, at this time, this problem is more of a big city problem. However, family’s today move around a lot and children from the ‘big city’ are introducing many ‘cool-things’ to the local small town kids. Either way, it is best to understand the background and climate that led to this problem