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must be subtle and non-descript in order to get pass our adult radar. Surely those with devious intent could not come out on the six-o’clock news and declare that they wanted to make our children more drawn to dark and evil things! Because of how subtle their intent is, one appears to be a religious nut! Now one can accuse me of over-doing things a bit or accuse me of making something wrong out of nothing. I truly wish I was. However, if I were not telling the truth, than why do our children see vampires in a new light; why do they empathize with them and why do they actually wish to emulate them? Allow me to develop this point a bit more for clarity.

Simply put, I hope you can now see the devious twisting and tweaking to make evil more palatable for our children. We all know and believe that a frequent exposure, applied with various twisting and tweaking will callus people to the point where the once strange appears less-than-strange and more ‘normal’ or acceptable. I can almost hear you parents asking out loud as you read this saying, “we are still talking about make-believe here, right”? “This is just a fictional story and characters created to sell tickets for the theatre industry, right”? Yes we are still talking about a once make-believe character; for me and for most, average Christian adults. Our children however, are being manipulated for devious dark and evil reasons. The reason is simply, to make them more accepting of things dark and evil. If this can be done, our children can easily walk away from God and all things of the Light. Or as we have seen a recent rapidly growing trend towards pagan beliefs and actions as well as the practice of ‘white’ witchcraft (also called Wicca) by our youth. So yes

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