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with this new look to vary degrees of intensities, and those children who would have shunned this type of behavior and dress at one time, are now falling right in step. Unfortunately, we parents in general, sat back and watched it all happen shaking our parental heads at the new fad.

The most extreme of this group are found hanging out in ‘underground’ or ‘secret’ unknown to most parents, Gothic/vampire nightclubs and/or youth centers depending on the age of the kids involved. Out east, police have found ‘secret’ club rooms behind normal corner bars that the locals (adults) didn’t know anything about it. To stir the pot a bit, so to speak, we now even have several Hollywood stars who also dress and act like this and their contribution to the vampire culture is very strange and violent lyrics in their popular songs. Some claim that these stars fuel this new pop culture; others see it as just a passing fad in music and filling a need. Simply because of how ‘cool’, how sexy and how much in control, yet untouchable and powerful the modern immortal vampires are, they now have a new and very serious following… Our teen children in the form of Gothic vampires.

You are now welcomed and even encouraged to call your police and validate everything I wrote here. I know it sounds very strange, bizarre and too difficult to swallow. I also know that I am beginning to sound like a ‘conspiracy theory expert’ and a ‘right-wing’ nut, who sees ‘the devil’ around every corner as well as in the details! However, I merely attempted to provide you with as much of the background and the climate that lead to this, as well as to the over all devious reasons. I truly wish it all was untrue! Your local

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