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find silly. This action and these kids involved in the Goth/vampire culture are not just another passing fad. When these children wish to emulate a once fictitious evil character, simply because many are portrayed as strong and sexy in today’s media something is wrong and needs immediate attention. This is very difficult for many adults to grasp, I understand. It is equally difficult for a parent to empathize and actually comprehend the fact that their very own child wants to look dead, or pale faced with dark sunken eyes. Their child wants to paint their fingernails black and to shun any and all bright and cheery things because they are for ‘losers’. I understand that this article is a rather large morsel for anyone to swallow. However, if we are going to ever offer any help and to pull these kids back into the fold, we must completely understand what we are dealing with. We must also understand the general condition of their soul and their level of true clinical mental depression.

Simply because this is so bizarre and strange, please do not turn away and hide from the facts. It truly doesn’t help you or your child! Don’t allow your children to be involved in all this without you sitting down and having several serious talks. If your child isn’t involved to a dangerous degree, great! If your child is however, take this article re-read it several times until you know what you are talking about and then pull your child back by unconditional love and not ridicule. If this article helps you in any way please pass it around to every adult and authority you know. Information is power and information clothed with sincere concern out of unconditional love can and will bring our children back to their families. God bless

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