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has grown out of.

Another factor aiding this climate is popular publishing houses. Many recent best-selling books are on or have been on the market taunting the claims of undiscovered secrets and purposive lies in Christianities history. As when times are tough and supposed lies are being ‘discovered’, it isn’t difficult for us to see a, ‘rewriting’ of historical fact as well as a twisting and replacement of the facts with convoluted misunderstandings and conspiracy theories. Whereas twenty five years ago if someone would have claimed the same, they would have been ‘locked up’ and their mental faculties questioned at great lengths.

It may be a bit cliché however; it has served us all very well up to now. We have always understood the general unwritten ‘rule’ that the guys with the white hats were good guys and the ones in black hats were the bad guys. We understood this basic ‘rule’ that dark or black was bad and light or things of the light were positive. This ‘rule’ came from our Judeo-Christian upbringing and the general comparisons found in our Bible about light and dark. However, today there appears to be so many more shades of grey and things aren’t as ‘cut and dry’ as they used to be. Today because of the various shades of grey, real or not, we are witnessing an almost total reversal of the once general opinion of all things dark and/or black. For an example today our children have witnessed their parents graduate from dopey horoscopes in the daily newspaper to having psychic’s tell their fortune and pick out more favorable days for certain family events. These activities were once considered dark and are still an activity for Christians to avoid. Pop culture today has many

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