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thoughts I can not be more clear than that but this “manifesto” can not become unless a divine force or God interact for you (harmoniously or not) making you the sole Master of your destiny. If you find my words interesting put your hand on my book “Beyond The Secret” and *upgrade your spirit to the creative forces of your subconscious – Trust me you have a lot to gain with true wisdom…

WHO IS SHERIFF ARPAIO is my next VIP Cosmic Code newsletter –  log on –

Joseph M. “Joe” Arpaio (born June 14, 1932) is an American law enforcement officer

Yes who is this man? What’s makes him the tougher Sherriff in the US, well once you read all about his *UCI Unique Celestial Identity chances are you will understand why, like any other humans he is also under the jurisdictions of the Cosmic Code and can only behave ROBOTICALLY to the eyes of the world. Well “Joe” has no Cosmic Consciousness and like any and all other cops (apart from my cop students) he is INFRINGING the Laws of the Divine and will have to pay a very heavy penalty in the process. While I sent him numerous emails to learn how to become more efficient with the criminals and most of all save the lives of his Phoenix cops nothing (like all other Police Chiefs) came back from his office. Let’s hope someone will email him this link for me before it becomes too late for him and our brave Phoenix public servants.

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Dr. Turi;

Yyou heart and energy deserve to be appreciated and this is exactly what got me into what I just had happen sir. Near the same age. In humility I will do so asap. You are a gift and will honor your energy and wisdoms. You are showing me the same was just scolded

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