our flesh that identity is carved out, not unlike a story created with words and pictures on a page. Spirit is given faces and character as we in the form experience unknown energies. We give a meaning, however temporarily, to spirit. A harmonious coexistence; We in the physical presence have an unfathomable wellspring of spiritual energy that is free and light and our spirit has an endless array of interaction and manifested creation through the physical realm. A match made in heaven.
Humanity lives and dies in each of us. Salvation or damnation is determined by what entity(ies) is created by us to define the spirit within us. When one of us passes, and humanity is judged (by ourselves, which is a collective understanding of what it is we judge ourselves against), its effects are felt in an instant throughout the universe. The key is time. Time is linear in how we perceive it to be. But that isn’t time universally, that is only how it is relevant to you and I. The universe is timeless beyond what systematic processes we see. The energy that made possible the formation of matter is timeless. Humanity can not die. Only in physical form it appears to die as death is created by we the creators. That is not to say physical forms don’t dissolve and are reformed. That is saying the identity we create is subject to death but the energy we define is woven in the fabric of universal being. If I was to say humanity passes in the individual form, I would be saying humanity is further defined by that experience ending, like another cut of a carvers knife on some great carving that is humanity. The creation being carved continues being shaped beyond our physical end. Salvation is a clean cut while damnation is a cut that is less then perfect.