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Tarot is for card games! Tarot has no historical connections with astrology or Kabbalah. Tarot is the trick taking card game that brought forth the notion of a trump suit in card games. Tarot, like contract bridge and skat, has been called the “chess of card games” for good reason. Tarot has clearly made a valuable contribution to our game playing culture. This contribution is sadly being obscured by those who continue to sell tarot exclusively as a fortune telling or divination tool. Websites such as,, and others have been misleading the general public into believing that tarot is nothing but an occult instrument. The notion that tarot cards are only used for fortune telling or the occult is completely false.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

15 Responses to The Origin of Tarot Cards (Part 2)

  • InSinGrin says:

    It may be true that tarot originated as a game;however,you cannot deny it’s metaphysical influence in it’s images.kinda like the bible was created for corrupt political control,but it’s rooted in the pagan world.

  • anzwertree says:

    @tarot4games might want to look up where playing cards came from. Then you might want to look at the origins of the game chess.

  • SkeptiGamer says:

    @eameece the fools journey is from the 1960s or 70s.

  • andondreal says:

    Your missing something called practice…

  • tarot4games says:

    Actually you could do tarot research on the internet. These cards are really playing cards. They were really made for games and not the occult.

  • yourdestinyawaitsu says:

    You cannot really research these topics online. There is no real freely available knowledge of the occult in existence on the internet. Just superstitions. Books are precious now.

  • eameece says:

    tokarski21 gives a pretty good summary.

  • eameece says:

    Actually, Star Wars is an appropo partial refutation of tarot4games! Joseph Campbell said Star Wars was an example of the archetypal “hero’s journey” story of spiritual adventure. Scholars such as Robert Place say tarot trumps are just that! Tarot card games were created by Renaissance artists interested in Hermetic philosophy. The trumps tell the hero’s (or Fool’s) journey in 21 stages. So the occult aspect has been in the cards from the beginning! Later occultists just made more of this.

  • ranrandy says:

    if you really believe tarot cards are for games, then where the hell is the psychotic asian ronald mcdon? don don rue!

  • tarot4games says:

    reupload?! but it’s STAR WARS dude!!!!!!!!!!!

  • bb112266 says:

    this video is not about tarot cards. Need to re-upload. 🙂

  • tarot4games says:

    The truth is that tarot cards were meant to be used as games. All the earliest documentation on the cards deal with them as a game. The connection with the Book of Thoth is a myth promoted by an 18th century occultist. I can’t believe some people still believe that today.

  • godscuttingyoudown says:

    tarot4games your just another shill trying to keep people from discovering the truth

    Fact: The egyptians 2 most important books were the book of life and the book of death

    Fact: in the Book of Thoth (life throu wisdom) reveals with its symbolism the major arcana the tarot is based on

    Fact: egyptians credit their wisdom from a stellar source as they claim they are not the authors

    the online sources all are just using the contemporary lies

    tarot is not a game its a book

  • niquennel says:

    This Part II of origin of tarot the sound wasn.t working

  • Oudler says:

    OMG! Is this the Star Wars Holiday Special? I don’t think it works well. It freezes during the beginning here.

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