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Saturnalia – the Roman winter solstice orgy Masters and slaves switch roles Saturnalia was the Roman mid-winter festival. It became hugely popular and extended beyond its original single day at the middle of winter, the drinking and debauchery started on the shortest day and continued through the longest night. Saturnalia was in celebration of Saturn, the god of the Seed and Sowing. Saturn was father of Jupiter and the ruler of the Golden Age of Man. Note the distinction between Saturn the god of Protector of the Sowers and the Seed and Priapus, the god of fertility or Liber, God of fertility and nature. Saturnalia is celebrated around the winter solstice. The festival harks back to the Golden Age of Man when Saturn ruled; then all men were equal, there was no work, and everyone enjoyed peace and happiness. So Saturnalia the festival is a time of celebration, visits to friends, and the giving of gifts such as candles and small clay figures. The poet Martial in Epigrams Book 14 lists various presents, some expensive, some very cheap. For example: writing tablets, dice, knuckle bones, moneyboxes, combs, toothpicks, a hat, a hunting knife, an axe, various lamps, balls, perfumes, pipes, a pig, a sausage, a parrot, tables, cups, spoons, items of clothing, statues, masks, books, and pets. The Romans offered sacrifices at the temple of Saturn in the Greek style with uncovered heads. The statue of Saturn was released from woollen bonds. The temple rituals were followed by festive
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to The Origins of Santa Claus & Christmas

  • 1984IcameandIstayed says:

    @AnonymousTruther Probably so . The truth is a deep dark rabbit hole and unless you really probe you won’t understand. This priest was a stubborn old man that probably didn’t like Santa because they were lookalikes…and you know how honest kids can be.

  • AnonymousTruther says:

    Maybe he didn’t know about the whole Christmas lie anyway….

  • 1984IcameandIstayed says:

    The head of my child’s preschool used to tell the kids not to believe in Santa. I never understood why he said those things but now it is all clear now. The amazing thing was that he was a Catholic priest running a Catholic preschool. (I’m not Catholic, just like most of the parents of the children at that school )

  • i10azns says:

    5:47 It’s a Trap!

  • adlerbr12 says:

    A luciferian !, hahahahaha , just an other name for organized religion, preaching is preaching , the 3 desert religions are ridiculous , but yours is right up there with mormanizem ,faith-healing and Islam , I think you should
    rethink your position when starting an argument , you shouldn’t tell people that you are also delusional.

  • deec269 says:

    Thanks for all the serious information. Many hidden facts revealed here and on your other vids. Much work ~ Much appreciated. How the devil weaves his evil web!
    Boy have we been dupped!

  • usedbrain says:

    Are there any Christian “religions” out there that teach all this great information? I only know of one…does anyone know of others?

  • egyptiansareblack26 says:

    santa is satan. santa claus is really santan lucas, and santa claus= 666 using the 6 progression

  • hipeeps549 says:


  • joewar420 says:

    @AnonymousTruther The Romans actually took their Gods, as did the Greeks and many others, from the ancient Babylonians. Christmas is the Birthday of Tammuz, son of Nimrod and Semeramis. The tradition of arnimenting a tree and placing gifts under it also come from Tammuz and Semeramis.

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    @TheEnkiTruth sorry im sorry but this video ignore a hell of a lot of facts.

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    @TheEnkiTruth over*

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    @AnonymousTruther im not talking about the festival of christmas im talking about the santa we have today and the pagan things associated to him…and its mainly germanic…you have to remember after the fall of the roman empire germanic tribes had a lot of inluence of culture as they spread….theres a different between santa and christmas.

  • AnonymousTruther says:


    It’s further than that… But the Santa Claus and Christmas of today comes from Roman Times.

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    @AnonymousTruther wot the fuck…i watched all the video and im sorry but when my job is to study folklore archaeology and mythology and religion YES i do know what im talking about…santa is based on numerous different gods of old…but the santa we have to day is mainly based on germanic folklore not roman….

  • AnonymousTruther says:


    sigh….. seriously, don’t start.
    My patience is thin…. and you only rant. You have no argument, no explanation and you think I will accept that? NO!
    Start by listening to the video….

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    @AnonymousTruther lol oh im sorry cus you know everything?
    you dont even know the origins of santa….and yes i am a luciferian because im into the yezidi faith an there archangel is lucifer so its your whos deluded…now go pray to your god

  • AnonymousTruther says:


    That’s supposed to be an argument? BAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HAHAHAHAHAHA!
    How pathetic this is…. You are NOT a luciferian, you’re a poser….
    I know Luciferians, and you’re NOT, you’re a wannabe….. Your comments and channel proves it.
    You think I don’t know about Enlil and Enki…. you’re a deluded fool.

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    @AnonymousTruther im a fuckin luciferian u retard.

  • AnonymousTruther says:

    Now, you’re getting on my nerves…
    You just proved me by commenting on this video and not pursuing the Saturnalian Cult series, that you don’t give a shit…. you’re the kind of person who listen to 2 minutes, and comment. fuck the rest. well fuck you too.

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    @TheEnkiTruth oh and santa has a lot of its origins in the germanic god Odin..god of war…who would travel through the sky on his flying animal…

  • TheEnkiTruth says:

    lol santa is based on many different pre-christian gods and its not evil.

  • jeffdoeskungfu says:

    I’m sure. Cults generally are.

  • AnonymousTruther says:

    Sorry, but the Roman Cult is WAY MORE complicated than this.

  • jeffdoeskungfu says:

    At least real Christians who are familiar with the Bible don’t even associate the mass media “Christmas” with the birth of Jesus anymore. Same goes with Easter. This video is a bit grim. But the fact of the matter is that the church in the old days was just desperate to attract newcomers so they went up to the Pagans and were like, “Hey, you like having celebrations on the winter and spring solstices? So do we…” And then they made up a bunch of bullshit.

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