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Saturnalia – the Roman winter solstice orgy Masters and slaves switch roles Saturnalia was the Roman mid-winter festival. It became hugely popular and extended beyond its original single day at the middle of winter, the drinking and debauchery started on the shortest day and continued through the longest night. Saturnalia was in celebration of Saturn, the god of the Seed and Sowing. Saturn was father of Jupiter and the ruler of the Golden Age of Man. Note the distinction between Saturn the god of Protector of the Sowers and the Seed and Priapus, the god of fertility or Liber, God of fertility and nature. Saturnalia is celebrated around the winter solstice. The festival harks back to the Golden Age of Man when Saturn ruled; then all men were equal, there was no work, and everyone enjoyed peace and happiness. So Saturnalia the festival is a time of celebration, visits to friends, and the giving of gifts such as candles and small clay figures. The poet Martial in Epigrams Book 14 lists various presents, some expensive, some very cheap. For example: writing tablets, dice, knuckle bones, moneyboxes, combs, toothpicks, a hat, a hunting knife, an axe, various lamps, balls, perfumes, pipes, a pig, a sausage, a parrot, tables, cups, spoons, items of clothing, statues, masks, books, and pets. The Romans offered sacrifices at the temple of Saturn in the Greek style with uncovered heads. The statue of Saturn was released from woollen bonds. The temple rituals were followed by festive

9 Responses to The Origins of Santa Claus & Christmas

  • UB40unplugged says:

    the lies that we are told starts at birth & doesn’t end until we die…. LMAO even UB40 sings about this..

    ahh well, I don’t know ab the religion.. man corrupted religion, not the other way around…

    Jesus says “love thy enemy”.. man says that the the ho;y Bible , the noble Koran & the Torah says “kill thy enemy …

  • 4thechange says:

    He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.

  • 4thechange says:

    hehe, me neither, but im tired of the lies, and since knowledge is power,than im all 4 it…this world is very unbalances…the system is slavery,and not to shout the problem would be wrong,but theses days,everyone knows everything….lol lmao,they think they do….indoctrination 101.big brother in action….but 4 the jesus thing, they moved his birthday for astrological can even say they made religion based pretty much on it,mix with true character!

  • UB40unplugged says:

    LMAO that makes two of us.. but, thats not all that I am haha:P

  • 4thechange says:

    im a searcher lol

  • UB40unplugged says:

    yes it is.. but there are clues there for ppl who are willing & able to find them…

  • 4thechange says:

    hisrtory is hard to follow lolso full of lies is hard to tell truth now 😉

  • UB40unplugged says:

    Jesus Christ’s (PBUH) birthday was moved up to the 25th … the same day as St. Nicholas day.. cos, according to the History Channel, St. Nicholas day was getting more popular than Jesus Christ’s (PBUH) birthday! lol

  • carolannej2 says:

    Hate Santa……..
    Love Christmas!

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