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Some observations on the pagan copycat thesis in the light of Acts 17:16-34.
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17 Responses to The Pagan Copycat Thesis & Acts 17:16-34

  • newbirth35 says:

    Good point! Someone once listed why all the supposed parallels weren’t really parallels and it was amazing how many huge differences there were. Has anyone actually read the stories in question? I have and they are not alike at all.

  • RosaSionis says:

    The similarities between Jesus and the Dying and Rising Gods of the ancient world are enormously striking as *any* unbiased academic will agree.

    That this gentleman has either wilfully misrepresented information or has read that information incorrectly and thus misrepresented it accidentally demonstrates that his opinion his highly biased and is subject of doing the same thing of which he accuses others.

    Furthermore, the Bible is not a reliable text in deciphering the Jesus story objectively

  • tomopotamus says:

    Pure gold! I’m going to have to remember this one for the future!

  • Shazoolo says:

    Even some atheists are embarrassed by what the copy cat-ers (hey is that a word?! lol!)

  • brk49er says:

    When someone really studies the so called copy cat theory you will see that most were correlations were weak at best. One even equates Zues masturbating on a rock formation that looked like Isis and some greek god supposedly came about in this way. They equate that with the virgin birth. Quiet ridiculous. Good job Shaz.

  • daredevillv says:


    fair enough. but does disproving the copycat thesis, PROVE jesus was the christ?

    hmmm. I’m not sure it does.

  • mbld45thy7 says:

    Too bad the text doesnt support what you claim. It plainly says in verse 20 For thou bringest certain STRANGE things to our ears: Paul then says in verse 23 he declares to them the unknown god whom they ignorantly worship and built an altar for. They rejected the resurrection then for the same reason every unbeliever today does, they dont believe it. Not because they had heard it before.

  • Shazoolo says:

    No, read the context. It says that Paul was bringing something “new”.

  • daredevillv says:


    32When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered…”

    why? because they had heard this story before. they were not impressed and walked away.

    jesus presents us with nothing new in the way of mythology or gods behavior.

    jesus was not god.

  • marthale7 says:

    Copycats were there during the first century like the gnostics that redefined all the bible says. It is sooooo important to get into the word and know it, and pray for God’s holy spirit to lead us into truth. Thanks Shaz!

  • tasteslikeginger says:

    very informative :}

  • mbld45thy7 says:

    Very good points! If the people who “spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.” either “mocked” or said “We will hear thee again of this” it is fairly safe to say they knew nothing of a similarity between who Paul was speaking of and Dionysus or any other Pagan gods or stories. It is wonderful when God reveals these things to his children!

  • CreationistsWON says:

    Very good points !

  • vtjforce says:

    I agree with the comments. I have appreciated Keith Truth and his research debunking Zeitgeist and this theory. I don’t recall this specific scripture. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • preachinshawn says:

    Good point. I never really thought about that.

  • Daniel1RG says:

    Super job Shaz..As always.God bless.

  • U R Kiddn, right? says:

    Yeah, but the story in Acts 17 is creative fable spinning, made up by a Christian for Christians. Whoever wrote Acts, whenever he wrote it, HE thought Jebus was different, so he wrote it up that way.

    Lot of that going around. You’ve heard of the Gospels of Mary, Peter, Paul, Pilate, etc. Right?

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