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work in either the field of paranormal studies, Psychotherapy, and even Parapsychology! Aside from my interests in the paranormal, and Yoga, my interest in ghosts came about while I was even younger – sometime before my interests in the paranormal and Yoga came about. My interests in ghosts phased out as my interests turned more towards the paranormal, Yoga, and the Divine Mysteries, God, Religion, the Occult, Magick, and other documented human and spiritual powers. My conclusions, at that time, as regards ghosts was that it was at least possible for the human soul to remain here after death, in some visible form, and either haunt or communicate with us as all as good ghosts do!!! My research into the paranormal and other certain occult practices, including Yoga, meditation, and human and spiritual development, proved to be far more interesting!

Nowadays, aside from the paranormal and Yoga, I am somewhat convinced as to the reality of certain occult practices, and to things like Astrology, Tarot Card reading, and other forms of divination. In accordance with paranormal scientific applications, my feeling is that people do get trapped in one form or another upon their death! Sometimes paranormal disturbances are better explained in terms of the mind itself – hallucinations, temporary delusions, schizophrenia, etc. Some of the better paranormal and occult literature I have read refer to ghosts as being shells of the dead – i.e., a leftover energy form of some sort that does not possess consciousness in itself! Not sure about this…ghosts seem to act consciously and maintain human like attributes. Even Yoga has some things to say on this subject. To this day, no one really knows for sure!

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