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The Pentagram – Dogma

HEREUNTO we have exposed the magical dogma in its more arid and abstruse
phases; now the enchantments begin; now we can proclaim wonders and reveal
most secret things. The Pentagram signifies the domination of the mind over the
elements, and the demons of air, the spirits of fire, the phantoms of water and
ghosts of earth are enchained by this sign. Equipped therewith, and suitably disposed,
you may behold the infinite through the medium of that faculty which is
like the soul’s eye, and you will be ministered unto by legions of angels and hosts
of fiends.

But here, in the first place, let us establish certain principles. There is no invisible
world; there are, however, many degrees of perfection in organs. The body is
the coarse and, as it were, the perishable cortex of the soul. The soul can perceive
of itself, and independently of the mediation of physical organs, by means of its
sensibility and its DIAPHANE – the things, both spiritual and corporeal, which are
existent in the universe. Spiritual and corporeal are simply terms which express
the degrees of tenuity or density in substance. What is called the imagination
within us is only the soul’s inherent faculty of assimilating the images and reflections
contained in the living light, being the Great Magnetic Agent. Such images
and reflections are revelations when science intervenes to reveal us their body or
light. The man of genius differs from the dreamer and the fool in this only, that
his creations are analogous to truth, while those of the fool and the dreamer are
lost reflections and bewrayed images. Hence, for the wise man, to imagine is to
see, as, for the

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