magician, to speak is to create. It follows that, by means of the
imagination, demons and spirits can be beheld really and in truth; but the imagination
of the adept is diaphanous, whilst that of the crowd is opaque; the light of
truth traverses the one as ordinary light passes through clear glass, and is
refracted by the other, as when ordinary light impinges upon a vitreous block, full
of scoriae and foreign matter. That which most contributes to the errors of the
vulgar is the reflection of depraved imaginations one in the other. But in virtue of
positive science, the seer knows that what he imagines is true, and the event
invariably confirms his vision. We shall state in the Ritual after what manner this
lucidity can be acquired.
It is by means of this light that static visionaries place themselves in communication
with all worlds, as so frequently occurred to Swedenborg, who notwithstanding
was imperfectly lucid, seeing that he did not distinguish reflections from
rays, and often intermingled chimerical fancies with his most admirable dreams.
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