Get Adobe Flash player – Excellent video provides insights into Pyramidal and Tetrahedral Geometry. How they work and how to use them for novel effects. Incredible, information packed, over 2 Hour long DVD describing many unusual and original experiments including transmutation of elements, energy extraction, increasing plant growth, healing the body and more. Also check out our other DVDs and our ebooks at;
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to The Physics of Crystals

  • Sssssssteve says:

    Rubbish, give us a video instead of your drawings….

  • gdykes says:

    There are a lot of things you know but you don’t know how you know them? I smell some bad physics here.

  • TheRumpletiltskin says:

    if you did it, why not just do it again on video instead of drawing crude shapes to depict your tests.

  • RandyXi says:

    That’s a lot of physics that applies to this, and could be develop into free energy, regenerative power source if you have the full physic about the crystal, look at the The Meg project, “Motionless Electromagnetic Generator” (h t tp:// t m) extracting fix energy from a magnet using switch mode magnetic fields, read from the site for more info, but I believe jwdatwork know where I’m trying to head
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  • RandyXi says:

    anyhow I’m into pyramid star constellation alignments, so what jwdatwork saying makes a lot of sense when you gain knowledge in a large range of similarity, in fact different wave length of light have a lot to affect the crystals in how it react, sound as we know it when vibrate a crystal, the crystal produce electrical power, I haven’t work with crystals before, but from my back ground of knowledge I understand it well, not that I know it all! Lol
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  • RandyXi says:

    at the moment I’m looking into a project of “loop energy” where crystal seems like a valid free source energy, the big math in this is to get some crystal and to simulate them in starting to out energy in whatever form, that I can use to loop the energy into a loop where as they extreme regenerative power to be use, like a electric fusion…
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  • protest911 says:

    can i be your test dummy i wonna try this
    for live video

  • doobsta says:

    I keep coming back to this video…

  • whanethewhip says:

    0:28 “A crystal is a living thing.” That’s when I stopped the video.

  • demaarte says:

    Is not the quarz watch made it for a real coiled quarz?

  • TheWorldgonecrazy says:

    @Ljandj99 , true but the goverments would not like that , oil is power control .

    It is such a shame the people who rule are so corrupt

  • pedagogic1 says:

    @pedagogic1 Please repeat and record on video / not saying your wrong, just need to see proof

  • pedagogic1 says:

    2 coils ( 8 strand cable. dia?) connect one to the top of the pyramid (coil size?)

    The second coil from antenna wire (cable specs?) grounded to the floor

    Then he wanted to connect the 2 coils together using a long “strand” of wool

    connected the wool at the top, then as he tried to connect the wool to the bottom coil received a huge bolt of energy as he touched the wool

    He stated the wool dissected the “cube root” as it hung to the floor

    touching the wool he became the grounding rod

  • MetalGearMk3 says:

    Has anyone bought this DVD(The Physics of Crystals), is it worth it?

  • MetalGearMk3 says:

    I made Les Brown “energizer”(which can be found in his ebook) used it to mummified an egg and guess what it actually worked! I did not have the nerve to add water to the egg and eat it… note: my energizer were made to the dimension of the Gize pyramid, Les Brown energizer were abit shorter in height.

  • EsotericAdept says:

    Here’s a hint: add a switch, or double switch for safety. TADA!!!

    But whatever, don’t matter, cuz I’m gonna mirror your theory and see what kind of
    current I’m dealing with, Electric or Chi/Qi, and improvise the rest, Thanks!

  • ninjafretshadow says:

    im surprised no one has gotten this.crystals are CONDUCTORS conducters of what it depends on the crystal.dont belive me?youll see.mark these words MAN COMPLICATES REALITY .

  • crystalsbay says:

    Where science and metaphysics meet each other. This video sheds light on the enormous energy within the crystals. Great video

  • 7AAA7 says:

    Who is this? Interesting…

  • txedo23 says:

    he reminds me of anthony hopkins

  • kurisu925 says:

    I know what a crystal is… Its matter that has had its molocules bond together in a repetitive pattern which causes it to have specific geometrical patterns. Its not a living thing like this loon thinks.

  • kurisu925 says:

    Buy some damn solar panels then dont join a cult that beleives pyramids and crystals have magical powers.

  • benevraire1985 says:

    also salt as magnetic energies

  • Ljandj99 says:

    humans need to study more about the power of pyramids, crystals, and minerals, we should never have to pay for electricity, fuel, or power

  • cocodrilll says:

    ”gold” this is just why we hàve lost contàct with this things!!!

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