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In this video, I use the tangible element of water to convey truth about its indestructible power and the metaphysical, symbolic connection to your infinite self or selves!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  • Sh0rtcakeBaby says:

    @AstralBooBaby okay thanks!

  • AstralBooBaby says:

    @Sh0rtcakeBaby Hello friend… The song is something that I accessed here on youtube… The group that created the song is called “Music Shake’… Look underneath this video and you will see a milkshake icon… Click onto that and it will take you to their site, where you can access or download their songs.

  • Sh0rtcakeBaby says:

    Astral can yo please send me this instrmental that is playing on this video its soooo soothing!!! please!

  • 1PostPoMoMaN1 says:

    Astral 5D music.

  • Astralized says:

    Beautiful video, it’s amazing how our vibrations can effect water and ourselves – I want to try charging my water with love !

    love and light!

  • wwmariog says:

    you are so knowledge and able to distinquish to one form to another whatever the subject my be about.

  • xxxwaqrxxx says:

    Osome Man!!!

  • thegr8test1eva says:

    This is a very deep and enlightening video and i like it because its simple and ive watched your videos recently and i c u to b a true genuine person of good intent and i have questions that i feel you could answer best and i would like to connect or reach out to you but i dont wish to overwhelm you because i know you have day to day deeds to deal with so if you find to time to respond i appreciate it and look forward to exchanging thoughts

  • AstralBooBaby says:

    @ACakaANTMAN We appear solid in this realm partly because everything that we see is vibrating very slowly. The subatomic particles of this plane and more compact and dense. In higher realms; vibrations are much faster, therefore our consciousness doesn’t have near as many limitations, yet those planes appear solid too. Remembr, nothing is ever solid but the 3D realm is the place that we’re experiencing consciousness with extreme limitations.

  • ACakaANTMAN says:

    in your videos you say that every thing has energy a vibration frequency. I think I remember you saying that nothing is really solid because of something to do with the nucleous or molecules in objects are not solid. So are we and this world solid because we are of a low vibrational state and until we reach a high vibrational state we will not be apart of what we call spirits and the astral.

  • Jebchisan says:

    wow great explanations ,the metaphors really stood out.

  • 19ufo47 says:

    Maybe that’s why the Lord made so many references to water in his teachings: “Living Water”, etc…

  • labeba1nika says:

    This was so beautiful!

  • toomy1995 says:


  • AstralBooBaby says:

    @makeda13 – Not nearly as “dope” as you! **smiles**

  • AstralBooBaby says:

    @KLRKRIS – Thank you friend!

  • makeda13 says:

    dope video! thank you!

  • newbetterandhappy says:

    I’d love to see his experiments replicated by others – until then it fails science’s “gold standard.”

  • KLRKRIS says:

    That was great!!!

  • boosnapjr says:

    Your welcome!! i really enjoy what your doing, its inspiring, enlightening, honest, and sincere. Once i get the hang of OBE’s, i hope we see each other in the astral world.

    happy travels bro!

  • AstralBooBaby says:

    @boosnapjr – The music is by Musicshake and the name of the song is “Forgotten Ambition”…

    Thanks for your support and watching!

  • boosnapjr says:

    love the music! who is it?

  • AstralBooBaby says:

    @radarmc – That’s good! It’s a sign that this video triggered a reminder of your higher self! Something was unlocked and although you are not consciously aware of it — this will reveal itself in due time! Happy travels!

  • radarmc says:

    after waching this last night i had a dream about water or a waterfall or sumfin i cnt really remember

  • imfreeinfinity says:

    I agree with your comment madjedi1 sometimes i feel I just came to earth for a quick lesson. Pick up some tools and move on to the next lesson.

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