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deck of cards while working means they are welcoming a shipwreck or a mine collapse. However, not only bad things are attributed to cards: since the 17th century, cards have also been thought to be helpful during meditation and praying.

Therefore, as pagan as these beliefs may seem, having faith in one’s rituals can actually help attract the desired outcome but in a completely non-magical way: since the player gets rid of any anxiety or fear when performing supposedly lucky acts, the confidence those rituals provide may eliminate the energetic blockages that keep players from winning. In other words, through superstition, players can attract their own success.

Skeptics cannot deny that emotions play with your head, and once fear takes over a player, insecurity will drive them to doom. Well, that is exactly what this article is about, and superstitions are used as preliminary cures for that unwanted fear.

Thus, before you go back to your old skeptic ways, read the following Online Poker Report recommendations and try for yourself.

Pick up your cards before the dealer is finished dealing to all the other players. By doing this, you prevent other players from seeing your reaction when you see them and take advantage of it.

Don’t pick up your cards with your left hand. The left hand has been associated with evil doing, since it is believed that witches used to point at people with their left hand to condemn them to perpetual suffering.

Avoid playing poker if there is a dog in the room. Dogs are known for being humans’ best friends, but also witches’ most trusted companions, bringing disaster to all their victims. So, just keep your pets

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