Faerie work.
* When initiated, the initiate receives a cord or cingulum of a specific color and is passed poetic and liturgical material.
* Trainees are taught how to use of the horned (inverted) pentagram.
* Workings take place either in small groups or solitary
* Trainees are taught the Faerie Warrior Code. This includes the Black Heart of Innocence. The latter is a fierce openness. In the Faerie tradition, weakness is not coddled, insincerities or self-deceptions in others are not supported and submitting one’s own Life force to anyone or anything not allowed.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about Faery Wicca here: http://www.askroseariadne.com/editorials/practices-beliefs-on-faery-wicca.html
…and ask her any question here: http://www.askroseariadne.com
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