Astrology is and what it is not, (see)
“Astrology is not fortune telling”. Astrology is a recognition that we have free will, Astrology ca help us in many way’s,” Astrology can pinpoint latent talents you may possess “. “Astrology can also point out expansive, rewarding trends that are coming up and assist you in figuring out how to take advantage of them before they fade”, most important is, that astrology always help’s us to be in complete control of your life, we are not ruled by the plants, but the plants are creating the opportunity, it is already been said “
The Stars Incline But Do Not Impel”.
Steven Forest ( op. cit. p XVI) is backing up this approach “ The purpose of modern astrology is not to forecast events .It is to help people make better choices”,” Not fate but freedom in the real world”.
The Implementation
Along history course, Astrology had developed several approaches and systems. Each approach and system has it followers and criticizers. I’ll mention only two, the Traditional approach and the Psychological approach. The Psychological approach had been developed alongside to the development of the sciences, finally the Psychological approach had shift the Traditional approach from its seniority, in the beginning of the former century. Lately and occasionally, we can hear, here and there voices saying, “we are tired of the Psychological mambo jumbo, it doesn’t tell us a thing”, well maybe it is time to walk in the middle way, a bit of this and a bit of that, to find the balance, and to integrate both approaches.
First of all let’s focus on the NATAL CHART,