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deep enough, they soon discover that “they” only do it to impress someone- Perhaps a long-dead relative…or perhaps a (living) one whom they fear or respect…(or both)…?

All of us are taught since early child-hood, that (everything) has a “beginning”- but once you get Into “critical logic” you will discover that (beginnings) of anykind all have a primordial-point of “Start through finish” . Yet when we force this point of observation, we are then forced to ask; “What” was prior to that (beginning?). Logic tells us that that “all things” have an ending-, which forces us to ask; “what is beyond that ending…?

We speak of edges in (outer space)…but what is Beyond the most outer edge…? We often question (primal cause) of “biologic life”? Most folks proclaim; It Was “God”- so, where did God come from? How can God have no primal beginning…? I am already convinced- so, whatever truth, the world thinks it holds, they are welcome to hang on to it.

Their life-illusions will do them no harm & even if their illusions get them killed…In the end,…it will all still be ok… Iv already been dead more than once- but most recent, in the early parts of the1970’s & that one is On record at JPS Hospital in Fort Worth Texas… Since Heaven is (within you) this only means that “Hell” is located anywhere outside of where “Heaven” is located…

“Simple math will always deserve simple deduction”…and, when God fails to at least protect the innocent, and fails to intervene for the wrongly accused, & fails to Execute righteous

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