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judgment upon the “guilty” all at once- we as a people all have the right to (assume) God has no more of a mind than does a common pot plant.

If it’s true that many are called- but few are chosen- this alone is proof that God Chooses (no one)…otherwise; why don’t God just save time by choosing the few & leave the (many) alone? Why waste time by calling the (many) whom God already knows is not AMONG the “few…?”…It’s all because; God has no power of (choice) than any other god, which was ever carved from common stone. So, where did human Kind evolve with the “power of choice”…?

Our choices are only based upon our own stimulation’s of; “taste- touch-see- hear & smell” better known as the (5 senses) and The curiosity that preceded them prior to the choices we desire to “experience”. All of Our (5) senses contain (nerve endings). Without nerve endings- the stimulation’s in Question “cannot” be experienced at all. Without nerve endings- we cannot experience “pain or pleasure”. We cannot experience (love or jealousy ). We cannot experience ANY physical or mental illness. You CAN BE sick or crazy & not even (realize) it .

In most cases- this simply means (nerve damage) or/and blocked nerve ending in the most critical places within the human body. “Hypnosis” is an excellent tool for blocking pain and blocking; (nervous conditions). Hypnosis is also a great tool for “self-healing”. Most adults use hypnosis (sub-consciously) everyday in different ways- yet, If you have no (brain)- you cannot experience any of the 5 senses. You would be only A vegetable &

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