of the peoples of Israel (now far removed in the main from their own lands), by creating the spectre of the sacrificed Messiah in accordance with well known prophetic descriptions of the manner and form of his appearance and demise. But was Pilate and Herod in it too? Possibly, but perhaps in the understanding that the matter would not go beyond a simple public flogging that they knew the tough Jesus would take with dignity. They are both protecting him but the priests challenge Jesus´s so called affinity with God and his behaviour and lack of interest in his own defence may well have struck a chord in Pilate´s mind. The events that followed may well have been worked out to ensure that the final hanging on the cross was not fatal and may even have been stage managed to the point of coincidence with an eclypse or meteorological prediction that would sway the crowds. Asian mystics and previous divinities of wide acclaim, had often been associated with crucifixions and resurrection that had declared them immortal. Maybe something of that nature was being attempted. Times were bad for all concerned and when hope is gradually being removed from the political platforms, a dramatic event can often regenerate public government and build new bridges into the future. The twin tower inferno, Princess Diana´s assasination, Joan of Ark, all point in similar directions – the hand of Providence and waves of reconciliatory compassion affecting humanity. Something like this was about to happen when Jesus cried with bitterness at the lack of concern his own beloved disciples showed towards him when they slept, as he himself sweated with fear and apprehension. But why would a leader get angry about not being guarded when he appeared to know what was going to
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