coupled with the concept of Shiloh and it is wrong to assume that the name, as some religious scholars think, was meant to mean the new Messiah. It meant the Messiah who would return Israel to its original ancestral territories.
Jesus I must add, was not rubber stamping the sanctity of the Temple ure,which he made clear, was not of any great importance in spiritual terms. He was merely provoked by the weakness of those who saw profit in cultural values. He was questioning the ignorance of those supposedly holy, priests who allowed them to do so (for profit without doubt) and the money minded users who dared to turn the place into a circus. Jesus betrays a Grecian logic and an underlying Asiatic conscience which is consistant with his sayings and character. One wonders what Jesus would make of Lourdes and Fatima today but he would not have been a very happy man, in the same context. In fact, he would have been lost for words since it expressed everything he did not believe in. All this would have been conducive to idolatry and somehow it does not tie in with a man whose sayings are steeped in conscious development and strength of conviction and character. Jesus may have become a wandering mystic later in life and after his personal life threatening experience but before that he would have been a zealous leader with wild ambition to bring things back to the way they were within a united Israel. This is the intellectual Jesus – the man whose authority came from knowledge. He knew that Herod´s claim to kingship was pretty slim, but a fact often forgotten, is that behind the so called Herodian royal line there is a definite connection with the Judean princely genealogy, members of which there are reasons to believe Jesus knew
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