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about. The contenders of the direct Judean Royal line, either did not want to show up, or were well and truly exterminated in their skirmishes with the occupying forces. Much lies in the vaults of ancient libraries and in the hands of modern royal advisors that remain there, unpublished, for selfish dynastic reasons. In the world of leadership claims, especially crowns, rocking the boat is not an exercise lightly taken. Heads of State are no doubt brought up in the traditions and knowledge that they have to learn about in order to do their national jobs properly and relate to others with similar understandings and possible claims to title. The intelligence services of most countries are are also well prepared with respect to claims to title and authority based on genealogies and race. They know only too well what family, religious and cultural inheritances can do to turn apparently insignificant figures into centres of influence. As so called guardians of posterity and keepers of the knowledge that provide influence and power, it is part of their job. Britain for example has a very interesting quasi historical tradition associated with the presence of Jesus in the Isles. Without it, British Royalty would not have the same sense of mission to rule. When religious songs refer to “walking the shores of Britain”, they mean just that – that the tradition and national understandings are that Jesus did in fact walk the shores and the songs are designed to ensure that nobody ever forgets it. Jesus was apparently brought over to Cornwall by his uncle Joseph of Arimathea who appeared to have had tin mines or dealt with the element in the area. It is the very base of Glastonbury lore and much more credible than the Arthurian claims, which are strong

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