told in the old testament. The carpenter Joseph who is nowhere to be seen at the crucifixion (nor do we know where he died or got buried) is probably none other than Joseph also an Essene,it seems, who took his sister and nephews with him when he could. We shall see what else evolves that could prove a little more interesting in this respect when isolated incidents are put together, without forgetting the wide variety of apocryphal documents that fill in the holes here and there.
National Religious Traditions in Various Places.
If we start to talk about family ties with Britain, we have to remember that similar “national ties” can be said of Marseilles and the Magdalen tradition as also of Poland and Mary the mother of Jesus. A document with that implication exists in the country´s national archives and explains why the Teutonic knights chose the place for their Order of the Round Table and the Arthurian cult of course. The fact that they called the city Marienburg or Marienbad, is not incidental. They believed her family had its origins there and she may even have been born in the area. All these countries are fiercely Christian and would have all been Catholic had it not been for Henry VIII who denied papal authority over the British islands in pursuit of greater personal ambitions and perhaps also because he ceased to believe that they occupied the moral high ground. The religious differences between Protestant and Catholic understandings are minor and British Christian worship is as Catholic as anything can be bar the images issue.
Jesus therefore was a man troubled to some extent by the variety of influences in his life. His sensitivity would have been the source of his constant nightmares as he felt the
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