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initiation and if he was, as he said, offering himself as a substitute for the sacrifice of the gentle unsuspecting lamb, he had placed his life on the sacrificial stone knowingly. He also made it quite clear that he would survive and return to the physical world within three days. It was just under two days, but then, his condition health wise had been aggravated by the unexpected penetration of the lance in his lower lung. If he had not been taken down quickly, he would have been mortally wounded. His shallow, almost undetectable breathing would have enabled the lower lobe to seal the entry and recuperate somewhat to enable his transfer to the monastery. The Magdalen´s embrace could have killed him so his deterrence is perfectly understandable however frigid it might seem.

A Life Death Experience

If we examine the full account of Jesus´s ordeal and if we believe that he was given some sort of herbal sedative or cataleptic inducement, the whole thing is not only possible, but likely. Sufis can do all of that and so can most of the Shamans of Asia and Africa including full burial for two or three days. Some people might think that this destroys the validity of his mission, but in fact it strengthens it, as anyone who cares to embrace those footsteps with total honesty can fully appreciate. Knowing that every move provoked even worse suffering without redemption in sight, is horrifying. Jesus could not have been at all certain that he would survive and that in itself is a worse fate than death. It could have all gone wrong and the final intervention in the form of the bringing down from the cross so quickly, might not even have been contemplated by his uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, until the last moment when he saw a

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