off cryptically as a Roman agent,who, as we shall see, had little in common with the Judeans he disliked and whom he was constantly harassing. Why ? Like Joseph of Arimathea he was a very respected religious agent so is it not strange that he should have been such a tyrant and then become the corner stone of the emerging so called Christian Church ? But then, there are some very curious aspects of all that we take for granted in the life of the man millions call God.
Michael Mifsud was a Parliamentary correspondentage at the age of 15. Royal touring writer and Publisher of Britain’s first trade journal for drivers. Millionaire businessman hotelier, restauranteur. Contributor to Holy Blood and Holy Grail. Messianic Legacy. Sword and the Grail. TV presenter in Marbella, Author of the highly rated book Al Andalus – a Trail of Discovery – Amazon. Member of the Council of Elders of the modern Order of Knights Templar – Versailles 1705. Freeman of the City of London and holder of Orders of Merit of Poland, Afghanistan and Serbia. He is a relentless fighter for animal rights on par with humans.
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