Update May 14, 2010! Thanks to Darren Taylor, we’ve finally gotten a translation of this scam artist! Those that visited before might notice parts 3-6 are now gone. These seemed to confuse a LOT of the viewers, so I got rid of them. unfortunately one of these had the part where they exposed the bowl of water being pulled by magnets! (link to original unedited videos below!) If you were to watch the original clip, when she provides her own bowl without magnets in it, he fails to move it! This is the final part of the CCTV show exposing a fraud and catching him in the act of cheating. Some things about part 1: a)it’s pretty obvious something from under the cloth pushes up on the brick causing it to fall over b)The guy in the tan shirt near the middle is Sima Nan… famous for offering a 1Million Yuan prize for anyone who can prove they have real powers. He’s exposed many dozens and travels China replicating the QiGong “masters” tricks right after demonstrations. c)The guy near the end is a popular magician. He is watching the video, and explaining to the girl what to watch for and how the trick might have been done, and how to test it. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – I’m tired of idiots complaining that they watched all six parts and fail to see how he was completely debunked. Let’s rehearse the facts that are CLEARLY seen: 1)They show indents in the table cloth, then show something pokes up through the cloth to topple the bricks. When she moves the bricks, he …
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Real Magic Illusions in Mansfield OH is Adam Gerhart. This Ohio magician is known for his fork bending ability, as well as, card magic, coin magic & animal magic. Let Adam Gerhart enhance your party, entertain your guests, or mystify your customers. Real Magic Illusions is great entertainment for Birthdays, Weddings, Corporate Events, Restaurants & Anniversaries. Any occasion can use a touch of magicThis is a Clickamercial brought to you by ClickaCoupon.com. Serving Ashland, Galion, Buckrus, Mansfield, Crestline, Columbus, & Akron.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
XD its fake u see why it looks like its clips the whole time?
thats cus its diffrent vids XD
I like your productions. You got some fun responses from the public. Look forward to seeing more wonderment. Joe Miracle
cool tricks but this is not a real magic.
thats freaky im freakouted? O.O
hey i am a magician too. really
Hey man. I am also a Magician up in Ohio. I like your stuff. Swing by my profile and let you know what you think.
i lived in mansfield for some time
so kool
Good work dude! Like the music. You look like a natural. Very good performances and skill. I’m the pres. of IBM Ring 71 for Cincinnati if you ever wanted to visit. Hope to see you at Kidabra.
i know most of the tricks there not real lol