Update May 14, 2010! Thanks to Darren Taylor, we’ve finally gotten a translation of this scam artist! Those that visited before might notice parts 3-6 are now gone. These seemed to confuse a LOT of the viewers, so I got rid of them. unfortunately one of these had the part where they exposed the bowl of water being pulled by magnets! (link to original unedited videos below!) If you were to watch the original clip, when she provides her own bowl without magnets in it, he fails to move it! This is the final part of the CCTV show exposing a fraud and catching him in the act of cheating. Some things about part 1: a)it’s pretty obvious something from under the cloth pushes up on the brick causing it to fall over b)The guy in the tan shirt near the middle is Sima Nan… famous for offering a 1Million Yuan prize for anyone who can prove they have real powers. He’s exposed many dozens and travels China replicating the QiGong “masters” tricks right after demonstrations. c)The guy near the end is a popular magician. He is watching the video, and explaining to the girl what to watch for and how the trick might have been done, and how to test it. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – I’m tired of idiots complaining that they watched all six parts and fail to see how he was completely debunked. Let’s rehearse the facts that are CLEARLY seen: 1)They show indents in the table cloth, then show something pokes up through the cloth to topple the bricks. When she moves the bricks, he …
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Real Magic Illusions in Mansfield OH is Adam Gerhart. This Ohio magician is known for his fork bending ability, as well as, card magic, coin magic & animal magic. Let Adam Gerhart enhance your party, entertain your guests, or mystify your customers. Real Magic Illusions is great entertainment for Birthdays, Weddings, Corporate Events, Restaurants & Anniversaries. Any occasion can use a touch of magicThis is a Clickamercial brought to you by ClickaCoupon.com. Serving Ashland, Galion, Buckrus, Mansfield, Crestline, Columbus, & Akron.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
fuck off old chines man its magic hhhhhhhhhhhhh power of your ass
Wow seriously. It has been scientifically proven that the “ancient Chinese chi energy” is blasphemy. I’m not hating on the video, because the video is hilarious. I’m just saying that if you think chi is real then you should ask your doctor to see if he can feel you “chi blast.” And if your doctor is convinced that he felt it then it is highly likely you live in either China or Japan.
it’s also an irrelevant non-sequitur. has nothing to do with our conversation
“Chi is nothing more than what you call “suggestion”
ABSURD! Science can see the effects of suggestion. it is WELL-DOCUMENTED! unlike “chi”! see v=HBXXA5xhcQ0
what? you’re gonna tell me Derren is actually secretly a chi kung master who meditates?! RIDICULOUS!
“opponent in a fight to anticipate his next move”
COMPLETELY ABSURD! this is a learned trait and has NOTHING to do with chi!
See where “chi” gets you against ANY trained fighter who doesn’t meditate or doesn’t practice chi! A modern MMA fighter for instance… chi disappears!
“And obviously it is vague to you!”
it’s not vague, i’m making the observation that it hasn’t been shown to exist!
“Like you can’t explain and prove to me that you love your mother”
proofs dont exist outside the maths!
me? angry? don’t be ridiculous! i’m as cool as the other side of the pillow! so if you call chi kung a philosophy, fine! just don’t go making claims for it that you’re not prepared to back up with empirical evidence to support it!
“A good shaolin warrior-monk at the age of 12…from your face without cutting it…”
yeah, it’s called PRACTICE and muscle memory! it has NOTHING to do with chi!
“A chinese meditation discipline called Chi Kung!”
RIDICULOUS! it’s called PRACTICE! and training
“volatile like a flame! Chikung masters can easily extinguish a candle with a punch: it’s just wind! but it’s extremely hard to do it”
contradict yourself much? is it easily done, or extremely hard? ANYONE can extinguish a candle with a punch. ANYONE. all that is needed is mass to create a breeze. has NOTHING to do with chi, or being a master
i used brackets on “real” because there isn’t any evidence that it exists. NONE
so what you’ve done is re-define what is commonly known to be called chi
(cont) only known. I can’t explain what it is. If you studied kung fu and tai-chi you’d have an idea (maybe even different from mine and always developing and perfectioning). Like you can’t explain and prove to me that you love your mother. That does not mean love doesn’t exist… It’s just something called love that people learn to call love while living. Chi is nothing more than what you call “suggestion” and “meditation” and whatsoever. But I know it’s usefule in kung fu. Just it!
(cont) opponent in a fight to anticipate his next move. A good shaolin warrior-monk at the age of 12 is able to rotate, blindfolded, a blade at incredible speed at less than one inch from your face without cutting it… He learns it thru a training that involves what is called control of chi. An YES! it is meditation! But it is just a precise kind of it! A chinese one. A chinese meditation discipline called Chi Kung!
And obviously it is vague to you! it can’t be explained but (cont.)
why I must demonstrate that there is real chikung? it’s evident that there is… is a doctrine, a philosophy, a cultural heritage. Chi kung is the phylosophical base for tai-chi and kung fu! haven’t you seen such things? Why you ask me to demonstrate chikung? Is like if you ask me to demonstrate christianism instead of its claims… forgive me, but I can’t get it. And still don’t know why you’re so angry!
@lennyhipp volatile like a flame! Chikung masters can easily extinguish a candle with a punch: it’s just wind! but it’s extremely hard to do it.
I used brackets on “real”… because it’s not something to demonstrate. Is just something I know. Like I know I love my mother. And I cannot (and don’t fell any need to) demonstrate it.
The value I give (ok like this?) to what we call (ok?) chi, is like a word to describe a series of things we learn. Example: “you have to “feel” the “Chi” of your (cont)
“I think those quacks are the worst enemies of “real” Chi kung!”
nowhere has it ever been demonstrated that there is such a thing as “real” chi kung!
what you were describing sounds like concentration to me, and flies in the face of EVERY SINGLE OTHER definition of chi i’ve heard in 40 years
“But suggestion and placebo to me sound like “vague” ok?”
but both are WELL UNDERSTOOD! ok? your definition of chi sounds “vague” ok?
“I don’t believ in powers like those described in the vid! Got IT?”
didn’t ask if you did! Got IT?!
“And I know what “real” Chi is, since I study it”
you’ve failed to demonstrate what “real” chi is
“(other than volatile ones)”
PLEASE show evidence to support this nonsense
“Chi is like a concept of balance, timing, intuition of intentions, health, amplifying our body and senses efficience at their? best!”
This doesn’t even make sense. you aren’t even making a claim here
@lennyhipp … I don’t believ in powers like those described in the vid! Got IT? I don’t! And I know what “real” Chi is, since I study it. And no serious Chi Kung practitioner or master say can blow objects at distance (other than volatile ones) Chi is like a concept of balance, timing, intuition of intentions, health, amplifying our body and senses efficience at their best! I think those quacks are the worst enemies of “real” Chi kung! But suggestion and placebo to me sound like “vague” ok?
“What does “suggestion” mean?”
the calling up in the mind of one idea by another by virtue of some association or of some natural connection between the ideas
i.e. it’s never been shown to be more effective than placebo effect and in actuality in many cases it’s been LESS effective than placebo
the rest is non sequitur to our conversation, and the last comment is just plain ignorant
He should hire David Copperfield… the guy who walked through the great wall of China. At least those magic tricks were better lol
Everyone knows it’s fraud. Even old man need to make money with a scam or two lol
@Noisebox77 “you make who you are your reality”
sorry, you’re describing delusion. reality exists outside of your head.
“You have much pain before you in your life? unless you decide to stop your arrogance”
irony much? you couldn’t possibly say something more arrogant than that ol’ feeble minded one. Nothing arrogant here… i’m simply asking people for evidence that silly shit like this is possible. all people have are anecdotes, not evidence.
@lennyhipp I feel bad for you, you make who you are your reality and at the end of the day that’s who you go to sleep with. You have much pain before you in your life unless you decide to stop your arrogance.
Lennyhipp, You’re my new bff.
“Explain how he lit a little light bulb with his fingers”
See the other two vids on my profile about the malaysian “healer”. he does the same exact thing. this is also how chang shocks people
“explain why all the people he healed with chi ‘played along’.”
they might have felt better initially because of the power of suggestion, they WERE NOT healed. he likely exhibited some of his fraudulent tricks before the “healing”, they believed him. see v=MzjoKhBklYg it’s the EXACT SAME THING. suggestion
ok then, explain his motive for cheating, explain why he took on students, and they could do stuff aswell. Explain how he lit a little light bulb with his fingers, explain why all the people he healed with chi ‘played along’.
@intermitrj IDIOT. free energy can NEVER exist. it would defy several laws of physics. go peddle your nonsense elsewhere thanks.
“you? should look up john chang.”
you should look up what “critical thinking” means and comprehend why you’re doing without it. the difference between chang and the above fraud? Chang wasn’t caught cheating. that’s it. the only difference.
look at every chang video out there and you will see logical explanations for everything seen in his lame videos.
you should look up john chang.
@SHIBBYiPANDA “DAM IT so this guys fake too??? ”
aren’t they all??
“Which video shows him cheating????”
erm… BOTH?! read the vid descriptions