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Many people have a very uninformed idea of Baphomet and the 5 point star. This video gives a few different explanations of these mysterious symbols and provides the esoteric and etymological sources of these images. Love your enemies! Unto the pure all things are pure.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  • demiro123 says:

    the picture at 8:51 is so cool i can’t find it anywhere. can someone help me?

  • MZDECATL says:


  • NotAsOtherz says:

    That picture at 8:32 is really fascinating, especially since its posed in the exact same way as the famous Baphomet picture by Eliphas Levi. What is that picture from?

  • williamscandice says:

    satan has his children, and God knows His Own as well

  • jeffrey42088 says:

    its an alphanumeric symbol, actually.

  • bodinian says:

    Lol, Bath in math.

  • Naahnikki says:

    My Brother:

  • guadalupejoe1 says:

    Sir…u did a really good job of teaching me this… an old white man who is trying to learn esoterics/metaphysics/hermetics….i thank u much….main thing i learned here to to love thy Jesus has taught me a long time ago….jam on….or as i say rock on…

  • willwkrueger says:

    satanists do cruel things out of pettiness and spite. the have, by definition, the very worst intentions and are enemies of humanity

  • willwkrueger says:

    @illuminaticongo you think your clever because you can use saracasm? talking about karma like a hypocrite, you say things like ‘your religion sucks cause you use to divide people, feel superior to people make arguments’ and then you do the same’ that is projection. you thing your in heaven but your living in hell.

  • zippedlips says:

    Google “Baphomet’s Celebrity Birthday Bash” … There are some sickos out there

  • Omnicron777 says:

    That explanation comes from Normal Geislers “Big book of Bible difficutlies”
    page 268
    question, “Who is Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12

    Don’t believe me? go buy the book

    And then you add the Illuminati. Illuminati and Masonry aren’t the same thing.
    And the illuminati was banned by the European government in 1787
    god, you are an ignorant fool who hasn’t done any research

  • Omnicron777 says:


    Verse 12 could be translated, “How are you fallen from heaven, Oh shining one, son of the morning.”
    God was promising them that their enemy, the king of Babylon and the evil empire itself, would be torn down.”

  • Omnicron777 says:

    This passage is a literal reference to the King of Babylon. There have been many different views as to the identity of this king of Babylon.
    Some propose this is a reference to Sennacherib, a fierce enemy of God’s people. Others see the poetic figure of personification in which the kingdom of Babylon as a whole is refereed to in personal terms. The Hebrew word translated in the NKJV as ‘Lucifer, literally means ‘shining one’.

  • Omnicron777 says:


    Here is a Christian apologists except from the book
    “Big book of bible difficulties”, if you don’t believe me Lucifer is not satan

  • Omnicron777 says:


    Here is a Christian apologists except from the book
    “Big book of bible difficulties”, if you don’t believe me Lucifer is not satan

  • Omnicron777 says:


    Here is a Christian apologists except from the book
    “Big book of bible difficulties”, if you don’t believe me Lucifer is not satan

  • Omnicron777 says:


    You are silly.
    Lucifer was never satan, nor meant to be satan
    Lucifer represents Venus
    Baphomet represents all universal energies
    Please tell me what occult and masonic literature you have read?

  • vincent4500 says:

    @Omnicron777 ignorant, that Masonry is based on compartmentalisation, that is most are decieved and lied to as is stated is that most ‘great’ of masonic works ‘MOrals and Dogma”…ALbert Pike states that lower order members are to be INTENTIONALLY MISLED AS TO THE LUCIFERIANISM which the higher ups follow….you need to wake up from your ego and to harsh, scary truth….2012 some serious stuff is v.poss going to happen as part of the NWO….

  • vincent4500 says:

    @Omnicron777 lol!!! the fact you dont even know the HISTORICAL CONNECTION BETWEEN BAPHOMENT AND MOLOCH, WHO ARE VERY SIMILIAR IN APPEARANCE etc…shows me you are just a Mason, or an aspiring Mason who knows jack…the New World ORder is real, the illuminati are real…i know from a mason who was showing off about his true ‘ knowledge…its all real..and your esoteric opinion is deceit and lies…..My mason friend made it clear that HIS SUPREME BEING IS LUCIFER , now you like him are ignorant.

  • Omnicron777 says:


    Im not a mason.
    But I have studied masonry,
    I can already tell you haven’t by your lucifer accusations.
    Lucifer is not satan. Masonry is based on astrology.
    Lucifer is latin for venus, which is the planet of love.
    nice try

  • vincent4500 says:

    @BigMike6131 ps Baphomet is MOLOCH, to whom human sacrifices and esp. children in flames were offered up…unknown to you, masonry is based on compartmentalisation….the lower orders are kept in the dark and told rationalisations..that its symbolic yada yada….but the top of the pyramid, they know its true, they manipulate the lower orders to worship lucifer ultimately…or at least to revere this ‘symbol’…its pagan luciferianism pure and simple…and circa 2012 the crap will hit the fan

  • vincent4500 says:

    @BigMike6131 straight apologetics and rationalisation of worshipping an ugly pagan demonic monster …it has NO RING OF TRUTH WHATSOEVER WITH THOSE WITH AN OUNCE OF DISCRETION…mason are YOU?lol

  • vincent4500 says:

    @Omnicron777 ‘dont think your religion is better.. they are all flawed’ definitely are a Mason or somesuch, that is the LIE AND MYTH OF FREEMASONRY, THAT THEY HAVE THE ‘TRUE’ INTERPRETATION OF ALL THE ‘FLAWED’ RELIGIONS.well bud your ‘true interpretation is LUCIFERIANISM PURE AND SIMPLE.and it stinks of evil when you put 2 & 2 together,your supreme being is Lucifer & IF he is ‘symbolic’ why DOGMATICALLY & IRRATIONALLY STICK TO THAT NAME?? use the symbol of a lightbulb or s’thing!!

  • vincent4500 says:

    @NotAsOtherz LOL!!! my stepdad is a senior academic historian at one of the top 3 universities in the world…its a famous brother likewise is a senior academic in a top university…they both agree that BAPHOMET IS NONE OTHER THAN MOLOCH, to whom pagan sacrifices of CHILDREN WERE OFFERED UP IN FLAMES IN OLD TESTAMENT hasnt stopped but merely gone under ground….’pretty sure…’ you say, and by the way ‘hell’ is a pagan concept more akin to Moloch worship (hence flames re:him)

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