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The Real Secret: Spiritual Intelligence

The word spirit comes from the Latin word spiritus, meaning “breath”. Spirit is the breath of life. The word intelligent is from the Latin, intelligentia, meaning “choosing between”. Spiritual Intelligence is our ability to choose between spirit and ego. We consciously practice spiritual intelligence when we intentionally choose spirit over ego, love over fear, and the highest good for all over selfish interest. 

The Voice of Spirit is the voice of our Higher Self. My Higher Self is that which has never left its creator. All Higher Selves are connected as One. I connect to my Higher Self through my soul. My soul is my dream self — that part of me that has wandered through countless life experiences trying to find its way back home to the Higher Self. My soul desires to wake up and remember who it is.  

I develop my spiritual intelligence when I join with my soul and choose to identify with my Higher Self, my Spirit. In this state of identification I realize that I am not my body. I am not my gender or my profession. I am not my ethnicity nor am I my religion. I am not my life situation, my illnesses, my financial position, or my status in society. I am not my problems and I am not my past. Spiritual identification has me detaching from all forms and experiences and seeing myself as a spiritual being in this human experience.

Many people in spiritual circles like to call on angels, Jesus, or other beings of light. This is good. Many others make use of rituals, tools, methodologies, and programs to learn and grow. This can be good, too. As we develop spiritually we come to realize that we are the light. You and I are the light that we seek. There is nothing we can seek that

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