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have something wrong with our thinking? On this basis we would have to make Donald Trump one of our primary spiritual teachers, and Bill Gates would be the world guru. 

Each of us has an individual purpose to be played out in this life. For some, having great wealth is part of their purpose. For others, it may not be. Some people will practice changing their thoughts and emotions and find quick success. Others may practice for twenty or thirty years and find no change in what they have manifested. Neither scenario conclusively tells us where someone is in consciousness. The relationship between cause and effect is not linear. It is unlikely that you will think a negative thought today and the next day something bad will happen to you. Consciousness is made up of your awareness, understanding, and knowledge (or lack of). The physical manifestations in your life are not predictable to the ego mind.

For example, you may have a deep issue with unforgiveness. At the same time you are healthy, wealthy, and have good relationships. In spite of your wealth and health, you feel badly. In another instance, your unforgiveness may play out as indebtedness, poor health, or hurtful relationships, or all three. In truth, you don’t know what you signed up for when you came to this life. Cancer may manifest from deep anger, or maybe you signed up for the cancer experience to learn something else. Our life experiences are not rewards or punishments. They are opportunities for growth that we have agreed to on another level of consciousness. 

I have heard people say, “I would rather be unhappy and rich than unhappy and poor.” Unhappy is unhappy. If you are very unhappy, wealth can provide plenty of distractions

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