that keep you right where you are. Whereas, if you have a load of debt to contend with, you may be motivated to do the work. It is possible to be deeply indebted and ecstatically happy. If you can maintain that happiness the debt will probably dissolve in time. Whether it does or not is not the point. The important thing is that you have found inner wealth, peace and joy within, and that you have stopped identifying yourself with your manifestations. No one is luckier than you. The danger of finding wealth in the physical before you have inner wealth is that you will think the physical wealth makes you special.
Great wealth, excellent health, and beautiful relationships are wonderful to experience, but they are forms. Forms are effects. It is the cause that you focus on as a spiritually intelligent being. At some point in the spiritual development process, having nice things seems important. Further on your path, you just don’t care about stuff anymore.
Being anti-materialist, promoting the image that you are just not into stuff, is no different than the rich person who identifies himself with his wealth. The attention is still on the form. Being “non-materialistic” doesn’t make you special. Whether you have a lot of stuff or not is irrelevant. What counts is your ability to detach from it and to recognize that you really don’t own anything. You are not your stuff (or lack of stuff). You are a spiritual being on the road home to your Higher Self.
The secret to your inner joy and wealth is your spiritual intelligence, your ability to choose between spirit and ego. There is a beautiful three step process based on a book called The Song of Prayer from A Course in Miracles. In the first step,