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Documentary investigating the world of witchcraft, and takes a group of everyday women and asks them to live as witches for one month.. with very interesting results.

25 Responses to The Real Witch Project 4/4 Documentary

  • cruelty113 says:

    i was a skeptic then experienced it for myself…. it really does work! it definately changed my life for the better! 🙂

  • KashshaptuAnaEnki says:

    @theknitter1 Well apparently they did all those spells, and nothing bad happened. =P

  • KashshaptuAnaEnki says:

    @EryxUK I’ve never had a bad experience with the ouija board.

  • KashshaptuAnaEnki says:

    @KyoheiTakano I’ve seen it in every book about witchcraft that I’ve ever read…..

  • KashshaptuAnaEnki says:

    Great Music!!

  • RoRaMonRoE says:

    @KyoheiTakano you havent??? Thats odd meeting skyclad is VERY common. To tell the truth I think it’s perfered by most covens.

  • FredericBayer says:

    Why are some parts missing?!

  • scoobie323 says:

    well i can sure use help like this. i just dont know where to get it in LOS ANGELES. if anyone wants to give a hand…. holler.

  • bogi18 says:

    Like the music, very “chill out”…

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @KyoheiTakano It’s such a common aspect though?

  • Pagyptsian says:

    I love this documentary!

  • Elvinauk says:

    Thanks for this, it was very interesting. I’ve been a witch for 11 years and it was good to see a sensible documentary on the subject.

  • KyoheiTakano says:

    o.O i’ve been a wiccan for years & never even heard of a coven meeting naked…

  • EryxUK says:

    It’s foolish to mess with spirit communication especially with a Ouija board.

  • caciquepadilla says:

    @theknitter1 i have to agree. the practice should start out simple and then move up slowly. but its for tv so.

  • t1oxETy says:

    @caciqiuepadilla so true

  • caciquepadilla says:

    @t1oxETy if anything the bible should worn about the hatred and cruelty of humans. we have the capacity to do so much. both good and bad. but for some reason people( in all religions) are only putting that on someone else. when we should taking the blame for our hatred and cruelty. to me thats the devil. thats the evil.

  • Lewphil says:

    I wonder why the glass wont move without people putting their fingers on it? Witch craft is like any faith, if their is a chance of something happening, and you are either praying for it, producing a spell for it, or wishing for it, eventually it will happen. When it doesn’t happen its because God had other plans, or the spell didn’t work for whatever reason.

  • t1oxETy says:

    the bible states magick is devil worship but every christian wiccan seems to have a great life there spells still work really well so i dont think the bible is that accurate…(the bibles been proven wrong so its not accurate anyway)

  • Lewphil says:

    I wonder why the glass wont move without people putting their fingers on it? Witch craft is like any faith, if their is a chance of something happening, and you are either praying for it, producing a spell for it, or wishing for it, eventually it will happen. When it doesn’t happen its because God had other plans, or the spell didn’t work for whatever reason.

  • wiccantutor says:

    @xXDarkAngelsCryXx yeah. most likely though, the spirits that answer your call will be related or have a friendship with you.

  • fushicho13 says:

    @RainMountain92 & t1oxETy; you can practice witchcraft without getting close to any deities. Now this was a Wiccan based witch project, but maybe the wiccan beliefs didn’t go with her, but the the witch aspect did.

  • fushicho13 says:

    @RainMountain92 & t1oxETy; you can practice witchcraft without getting close to any deities. Now this was a Wiccan based witch project, but maybe the wiccan beliefs didn’t go with her, but the the witch aspect did.

  • xXDarkAngelsCryXx says:

    I thought that the oujia-plate was dangerous. Well it is dangerous. You can better make contact with spirits through meditating and divination.

  • sweetheart4890 says:

    wow. this really makes me want to do as these women did. i’ve always wondered what it would be like to do a project like this.

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