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Weed Potions! This is how a Real Witch plays in the garden. A young Sister-Priestess named Amber came over and asked “how can I make a healthy cream for my face, I spend soooo much on those types of products at the store”. What I say is that all that our bodies desire in right at our toes and at our fingertips. We got the cam out and did an on-the-spot little class on how incredibly easy it is to make your own healing salves!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Meet Jessamine. She is a real Highgate vampire. She was born a witch by blood, making her pretty powerful. Later in life, she became a vampire through a very secret initiation that can only happen once a year. She has been a member of a royal court and was also in The Order of the 13 Roses. BEING BOTH A WITCH AND A VAMPIRE, THIS MAKES HER VERY POWERFUL. In life, she was very wealthy. The picture on the item is her actual picture. TO ACTIVATE HER, BURN A SMALL AMOUNT OF INCENSE ON THE BACK OF HER PIECE, WHICH HOLDS THE VAMPIRE AND WITCH CIRCLE OF BLENDING. SHE STILL HOLDS ALL HER POWERS AS A WITCH AND THAT OF ONE OF THE OLDEST VAMPIRES IN THE CIVILIZED WORLD. This means she has a broad array of abilities and is powerful. Being both a witch and a vampire, SHE HOLDS A SPECIAL BLOOD AND CAN EVEN DO A BLOOD TRANSFER FOR YOU. In London, there is a cemetery called Highgate Cemetery and reports of vampires published in the newspaper have fueled interest in the area. Here is a tiny excerpt from “Vampires” by Charlotte Montague to give you a little bit of background: “Today, urban myths and legends about vampires stalking graveyards still exist. One such instance was the media sensation surrounding the alleged Highgate Vampire, a revanant that supposedly inhabited the north London cemetery where Karl Marx and other well-known figures are buried. The story was promoted by a group of young occultists who roamed the cemetery in the 1960s, when it had been left untended for many years
Video Rating: 3 / 5

2 Responses to The Real Witches of Orange County Episode 2 Part II

  • illiezeulette says:

    Mmm. Thank you!

  • 1MoonMother says:

    Yes Dear One, Shea Butter may also be used, but…as I said for myself I use herbs in simplicity. I normally do not add beeswax for my own personal preparation, simply the infused oils!

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