The Relationship Between Magick And The Craft
When the word “Magick” is mentioned, people will either think of David Copperfield or see images of Snow White’s evil stepmother standing over her cauldron concocting a poisonous brew amidst puffs of brightly colored smoke which are released as each vile ingredient is added, all the while chanting incantations in a language that could only be demonic in nature.
Occult magick (as opposed to David Copperfield’s sleight of hand magic), has long been considered by many as the domain of Witchcraft. This is in actual fact not true. Magick is a universal gift. It is studied and performed by most Pagans, regardless of the path they follow. Taking the matter further, I would venture to say that even Christians, Hindus and other “non-Witch” people have all unwittingly cast spells and performed magick, even if they do not care to know about it. Perhaps, as the story develops, this statement will be better understood.
So, what is Magick and what is it not?
Magick is about transformation. Practitioners of Magick firstly request the assistance and blessings of their Deity/ies. This is important because the energies of the natural world and self are both manifestations of the energy of Deity. Receiving the blessing of Deity strengthens these energies.
The practitioner harnesses the energies of the natural world and charges these energies with his or her own personal power (often referred to as intent). The raised energy is released and directed to affect the change or manifestation.
Magick is neither good nor bad, but totally neutral. It is the intent of the practitioner that will cause the effect of the magick to be positive or negative. Black Magick means that the neutral energy of Magick was directed to affect a change or manifestation by someone with ill intent. White Magick means that the neutral energy of Magick was directed to affect a change or manifestation by someone with good intent. Grey Magick means that the neutral energy of Magick was directed to affect a change or manifestation by someone who intended good, but who failed to consider the possible negative repercussions of the spell.
Magick can only be used to change that which is changeable. In example, it can be used to heal an operation wound, but not to cause the re-growth of a kidney. It is also not a crutch. The Universe endowed all of us with many abilities (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) and expects us to use it. Magick is only intended as a supplement. Magick is not a parlor game. It is an art that should be studied seriously and treated with respect.
Rose has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more about magick and witchcraft here:
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